Got lots of experience of training myself!, plus teaching and assessing training from my career, can anyone just place an ad and do it? or are they regulated in some way?
I have just been given a small one grown from a cutting, and I know nothing about them at all, I have been told it has red flowers. What sort of soil do they like, how much sun and water etc? Cant...
I have a vauge idea about a plate that all the guests at a celebration party can sign with a special sort of pen,then you bake it in your oven, but I cant remember where I saw it.......(fat lot of...
If so, can I just ask, how long does it take from you clicking on its icon on your desktop to the browser actually opening? I have just started using it recently, and am surprised that it takes so...
As I watched her stutter round the test course I had the thought that there should be a limit on how many tests you can take, maybe 10 or even 6. I think that if it takes you 20 attempts to pass, then...
Actually that should say narrow rather than small, I need one about 20inches wide max, to fit in a gap under a work top in my kitchen, does such a thing exist?
Not sure that this is the right catagory for this question, but anyway, I often wonder what happens to all the mags and papers that shops like WH Smiths dont sell each month, there must be lots,...
Thats the correct term I believe when your PC has been hacked to send out loads of spam, currently about 1000 emails a day! Neither Norton or F-secure antivirus packages can find anything amis, bot...
Every time I try to look at a particular website,, my PC freezes, just as the homepage reaches the same point, about 20% loaded. The mouse, screen and keyboard freeze and I have to...
Past Times used to sell them, but dont seem to anymore, and I know a photo album would do, but if there was a proper job available that would be great. Id like to order it online if possible.
Hi, Is anyone else getting huge volumes of spam, much more than usual, over the last few days? They all say the same thing, somthing like, "delivery status notification, failure" or similar, and seem...