Prize Crossword.Confirmation of 2D please, I have Mjolinir. 8D, Seventies ecological TV thriller series starring Robert Powell *o*m*a*c* 9 letters Bare Bones One`s returned taking in gravity of...
Why don't answer bankers take a little more time & search previous answers both in Quizzes & Puzzles & in Crosswords before submitting.This will reduce the repetitions and speed up the site.
14a) complete genetic information about an organism 1d) theatrical device in which a character speaks to themselves. 27) member of the colonial militia in the war of american independence. Thanks in...
Last one 25a Poet's book , 20/- e?r? p?u?d. Second word will be pound (20/-). Why is 12a Duck on very large lake in capital Oslo? Duck =o Oslo is a capital but slo? Why is 18d To kill, you need to...
He's first in line to take your orders (4,6) ?e?d ??i?e? Sure I'm an at changing the smallest scales(10) M?n???u?e? We sat around after hard toil (5) No letters
Correction 22 across the actual answer is 4 letters N_ _ _ flat food turned over just the same-the answer is 4 letters 23 down _ _ I _ _ answer 5 letters something ordered without starter , order...
2. group of lawyers (6) 19. small measure, ordnance survey for his excellency round the bend (8) 31. wrong designs at night (8,4) 41. mothers union is very loud, keeps you warm (4) 42. a junction,...
1) might be used to catch no. 33 (5)
2) Initially Ordiance Survey quarry (6)
3)wartime fish in nooks and crannies(5)
4 Celebrity heather (8)
any help appreciated