having or showing no interest or emotion. 9 letters Bring in new ideas, etc. 8 letters tools used to pierce wood, leather etc, for the insertion of small nails or screws. 8 letters A forceful verbal...
A very close friend of mine is getting cremated at the weekend.To add to my grief I have one major dilemma. I need to get rid of a wrench. If I put it in the casket along with my dear friend, will it...
Educated or intellectual persons in a society 14 letters articles especially paintings posters, etc haveing bright bold and often abstract colurs and patterns 11 letters
Thickened or swollen? (11)
Curse or denounce (8)
Place for holy objects (9)
On the road to the Isles (13)
Made with skill (10)
Ancient Greek boxing and wrestling (10)
1)Evergreen Asian shrubs of the tea family with shiny leaves and showy flowers (9) 2)Either epistle of St Paul in the New Testament 3)Name given to hats, trimmings and so on (9) 4)A game where a top...
Port in Spain destroyed by the Moors in 714. 9 letters Articles, especially paintings, posters, etc having bright, bold and often abstract colours and patterns. 11 letters Evergreen Asian...
small, glittering decoration on clothes etc; a sequin. 7 letters. A large important church, or the church of a monastery. 7 letters papers containing information on certain subjects or persons. 8...
Which welsh actor recently played Peter Cook in a TV adaptation of his life? Which Irish actor starred in the film Phone Booth? Cliff Richards Millennium Hit? Which 3 celebrities reached no3 in 1989...
1) Eel-like fish with round sucking mouths. (8) 2)An estate or plantation with a dwelling-house, in spanish speaking countries (8) 3)Raccoon-like mammal of the genus Nasua 4)Long, open, level areas...