What is the music from the new Seat Ibiza advert! sounds very turntable-y, kinda like the avalanches! but not sure what it is! Any help mucho appreciato!
What is the song in A) the background @ the end of the episode My Great Laid Plans, where Carla & Turk fall out & JD falls out with his GF?? & B) the music playing when Cox cant resuscitate his...
In Babylon Zoo's Spaceman, it has the classic higpitched voice spaceman at the beginning & end, is it that song where the spaceman voice comes from or is it a sample? If so what is the original song?
Can anyone tell me wo is on the iPod Nano + iTunes advert with the cd's building towers then all being sucked into the nano. I THINK it may be the Infadels but im not to sure! Its driving me nuts!
There is a musical score used in both Gun & Jade Empire, im pretty sure this score is the same. I dont think im going to get any helpful responses to this as no one is as sad as i am. BUT does anyone...