Stick on these 2.
22A one Latin novel about a character from Florence for one .
3D that’s one in the eye for trim Europeans I?i?
Many thanks...
Does anybody have any idea who is the man in picture 12d?
Many thanks...
Just wondering if anyone knows the identity of this person in picture E?
Thanks in advance
Hi all. Just need this one to finish this crossword. Find a grown up spouse around the old city M- t -r e Think it might be mature but can’t figure out the bit about the spouse and the old city ....
Hi. Really stuck on these last three to finish this. 36d) unprincipled chap from MI5, when among US counterparts , is a six footer making lots of noise. ?i?a?a 51d) what old retainer will do in...
Just stuck on this last one number 5 in ADIOS. It's multiple choice Two aging revolutionaries Sinn Fein president gerry Adams and president Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe finally shuffled towards the exit...
Anyone able to help with this crossword please? There are two clues for each - cryptic and quick . I am stuck on the last three. 3 down - quick clue - legumes Cryptic clue - Reg is upset by three...
Hi. Just wondering if anybody knows the identity of this lady? It says she took on a new role in 2016? Many thanks for...
Hi Just wondering if anyone would be able to help with these clues. 12 Across - Starts Icing cake for broadcast on screen 4 letters I??? 19 Across - Feeling of excitement for Tipperary approaching...
Can anybody help me with the last clue in this crossword please? Gallic gesture by an ex 76 down. The answer to 76 down was baggie(west brom) ) 8 letters ??e?el?e