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anyone know what the song is in the latest add for mitsubishi you know where this girl is driving under the sea??
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Okay i know its an old ad, and i see from a few others asking the same question. Remember the gorgeous redhead on the bench wanting to ban beards etc...yep thats the one. well at last i found her name...
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I have a video of a blonde girl duet, singing a song named "kick back", the duet is called "masal" or maybe "masai" (name looks fuzzy), and I can't find any info about them anywhere, can somebody help...
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what is the music used in the euro2004 ads
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seb brown
Does anyone know what the classical/ violin type music is on the BBC's advert for their coverage of Euro 2004? The advert is the one where it has the players (Beckham, Henry etc) painted over in...
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Does anyone know who sung the version of 'Caifornia Dreamin' from the Peugeot ad? (The yellow convertible one with ski's)
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How can I find out when the London Premier for Jersey Girl is? I don't know what cinema it will be at so where do I start?
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what is the piece of music that is played on the euro 2004 advert....the one where the players are drawn in the style of a famous artist from their country?
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what is the song title for the wanadoo advert

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