what did you reckon, to me it was the worst of any i've seen,awful scripting, the young lad who's been in it a while was pure farce, the only thing saving this show is the excellent frances de la...
has anyone notice there is no green (bright green) tinsel this year, in our area no supermarket,wilkos or pound shop has any in the only place i have seen it is in lewis stores ?
ive been given a small bottle of champagne daniel perrot it about 20 years old is it safe to drink (novice in the stuff) 37.5 proof
the seal is intact...
please read it thoroughly so many on another site kept saying why not turn off ignition "its key less",personally i think the guy just did not understand how a car works apart from driving it.....
i have a 2014 kas rio and its keep blowing rear brakes light every 2/3 months either one side or last time both sides,easy and cheap to replace but on all my other cars they have lasted years
my friends mum has just died (she had a good innings)looking at the crem / burial fees list i am gobsmacked at what they are charging vulnerable people, for instance a small example the plastic urn...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3927150/Alleged-abduction-14-year-old-girl-Oxford-did-not-place.html i thought it would have been standard proceudre to have this victim taken to hospital and...
terrible crash here but looking at the occupants of the aircraft's jobs i suspect skulduggery here. maybe i'm jumping to conclusions... "The flight was part of a French customs surveillance operation...
of all the modern buildings that have been built over the last few years the "walkie talkie "building to me is the most ugly in the UK, it missed out on the "ugly" award, just, by the Woolwich...
as yahoo has been comprised i checked my e-mail address to see if it has been "got at" it had so i changed the password , so two days later out of curiosity i checked my e-mail address again and yes...
working in the nhs i have never ever seen anyone so full of energy and a "ball of fun" while having stage 2 cancer and on chemotherapy as david, the whole situation is ridiculous and yes saw my...
any tech guys on here know how this works cos i'm puzzled, (not buying one) but interested to see how this operates
Hotpoint Ultima FFFL1810K 50/50 "with active oxygen"...
very much surprised when leanne told simon she was having a baby he never ask who the father was as at the moment she has no partner and he also knows of her dodgy past?...