how long dose it take to down load a film ,i've been loading lord of th rings for almost a week now ,it's on the up load bit but how much longer?is there a way to speed things up,i'm using azureus to...
im doing cousework about this. each time we do the experiment we will replace 5ml of thiosulphate with 5ml until there is 30ml of water to 10ml of sodium thio to see wat happens to the reaction. i...
Anyone watch the Xtra factor tonight? I'm livid with Ben Shepherd. O,k, there are people out there that don't stand a chance at getting through, but at what point do so called " celebrities " forget...
I often use to run a Braodband Speedtest, but today I am a little confused.When I run the test, it shows my IP address, and for the past 6 weeks the address has remained the same.When I...
I am not receiving my messages in Outlook anymore. As far as i know i haven't changed any settings. I have to click Send/Receive to get my messages but i sent 2 to myself this morning from other email...
I've got lots of pictures to upload to an ftp server. I have the ftp server name, the port number, the username and the password, so I should be good to go. Cept I've no idea what to do with that...
Does anybody know the chords to Hail Mary by Mark Owen? I know he's not the most credible of artists but it's a genuinely good song I reckon - just can't find the chords anywhere!
I can't view my email via Hotmail. I keep getting the 'Internet Explorer has encountered a problem...' message. Is anyone else experiencing difficulty?