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cos i is blind as a blind thing
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Have a lot on your mind? Old lady/fella got you down? This mix is for you. Turn off your cell, dim the lights, roll another one, and turn the A/C down to 60. It'll all make sense
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Who has pi$$ed you off the most this year and why?
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A must see series critically acclaimed one of the best american cop / drug tv series ive sen all 5 series of it on download and its fantastic
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Mines, bloke goes 4 an interview at a buildin site,interviewer asked 'can u make tea?' then asked can u drive a fork lift ?' bloke sez ' why, how bigs the teapot ?
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And is it expensive ??
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Its time to throw away your caffiene,alcohol,guarana,ginseng,redbulls and lucozade because theresa new energy beast in town.... ture=related
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Can somebody tell me how to set a link up.
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have you just discovered copy n paste ?
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this phillipino chick I am banging has a really dry vagina when we have sex. I tried all sorts to make her horny but she still doesnt get wet. to add to it she is very small as well. its actually the...
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When you look back on your life (no matter how old you are) are you happy with it and your life now? I've just realised the last 9 years of my life have been a confusing, sad, very hard and trying...
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...who will not be drunkenly cavorting and careening around the Reef tonight. Please feel quite free to join me at the Atria Bar & Grill for a wobbly-pop or ten. We'll have loads of fun in a more...
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Mr Veritas
Let me just explain. My Grandson works as a bodyguard for a UK company (but has worked all over the world with them). He has guarded Michael Jackson on may occasions over the years,and whilst it...
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the gang in the reef.....................they are all half pi**ed and thoroughly enjoying themselves...........I'm soooooooooo jealous !
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It has gone midnight and is now March 8th - my birthday, yippee!!
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'Healthy, simple, pure, nutritious, organic recipes for children' God if I'd known that I'd have baked mine....
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making up a standy username and the options are limited.
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To all that is going hang on,possibly 4, thank **** you have provided us a weeks peace, for that i thank you!!

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