Looking for last two 18 a blank sheet of paper at end of a book 2d range which is part of Ellsworth mountains in antarctica Any help greatly appreciated
The answers to the following are types of sweets e.g. Wise Guys = Smarties 1. Number from nine onwards 2. Sport of Kings 3. Seen on a racecourse 4. Little braves 5 Gardener's delight 6. Foreigners 7....
Names of Stores e.g. Speedy to conserve = Kwik Save. 1. A drink for the Empress (8,4) 2 No limbs for sale here.(4,4) 3.Usually hot ((6) 4. Cool retailer(10) 5. Of an American bell (8) 6. Bacon,...
Names of Musicals 1. Ghostly vision ( 3,5,2, 5) 2 Hot Weekend ( 8,5,5) 3 Listen to the celebration ( 5,3,7) 4. Cons detest for tyre (anagram) (5,6,6Any help gratefully received.
Any help please with Shrill cry expressing disapproval. My first thought was catcall, but this would mean 4d is wrong. A chinese foodstuff obtained from sorghums