Does anyone know, how long before or after, your current card expires, that they send you, your new one? I just tried to order something from Jersey but as my card expires end of this month, they say...
I have just bought a Top Set Box, for my elderly neighbours and will need to set it up for them. I thought it was same model as mine, BUT this one does not include scart lead or coaxial for RF...
Please help - I am looking into getting a set top box to enter the digit TV switchover. I have no problem with perchasing the box and I know there is digital signal in my area. The thing I am unsure...
Anybody else experienced and how did they deal with it. I looked through my b/f's emails and found he had had sex with another woman last do i let it go cause what i done was wrong, as i...
A woman at a nightclub on Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who according >to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping her. Unable >to remember the events of the...
You are super-terrific, considerate, fantastic, never fart in the bath, oh so cool, just a really truly nice nice bucket of floppy niceness. Compared to you, all other nice people look ultra-horrible,...