q1 written by patty and mildred hill in1890 what songs copyright doesnt expire till 2011 a2 extinct relative of the elephant had varieties of wooly and imperial q3 whos love was like a red red rose...
q1where in yorkshire does a man in green have a window q2 which yorkshire valley does honeycome fromq3 whichb yorkshire town could be a jamacan capital on ship q4 which town his betweenlondon and...
q1 yorkshire valley where honey comes from q2 which town could be a jamacan capital ship q3 halfway between london and edinburgh q4 who travelled from pole to pole q5 who did magwitch befriend and in...
q1aged with strange spelling(3,8)q2patron saint of book keepers(2,5)q3not the idyllic place it sounds to be(4,4)q4his round but actually square(4,9)q5the only place for afternoon tea(6,4)thanks for...
q1always the colour of envy(10)q2a sticky parasite(9,5)q3judge colour and smell before tasting(3,7,4)q4after a good fall,lie down and spread your wings and make....(4,6)q5little people no longer...
q1a sticky parasite(9,5)q2goes bobbing along(5)q3pure as driven(4)q4judge colour and smell before tasting(3,4,7)q5little people no longer ornamented with gold(11,3)q6begins to grow in belgium(7)thanks...
q1not served with cream or custard9,7q2twice prime baron and sir6,6q3local boy has cabinet fame611q4prickly but pure5,4q5pomfret to cleanse your palate10,5q6hard black and polished6,3thanks for ny...
q1when food goes round the body which intestine does it go through first?q2what is the other name for a thunder egg?q3when was x 360 offically unveiled?q4who is the highest run scorer in test matches...
q1sung by max bygraves(3,1,6,6)q2young man been in a fight(5,4,3)anagrams>q1anagram el love air tubes(7,3,4)anagramq2bake lace use sly bert(5,4,4,5)thanks for any help
q1bring therin il wrong(5,4,2,3,4)q2live grin hoil shin(2,2,6,6)q3gloss unbunge(4,4,4,)q3gern sage rem gern shoe(5,5,5,2,4)q4bake lace use sly bert(5,4,4,5)q5crue elba brain(9,4)thanks for help