79A /One of a pair of protective items worn by sports players. Two words /4 and 3 letters. Shin Pad was my answer but that does not appear to fit with 65D Pay back money ( Refund ) and80D / with equal...
Not doing so well tonight. Any help much appreciated. 15D Frightens miss day, unfortunately. 7 Letters D?S?A?? 19D Bird with a waterproof coat and a white head. 5 Letters M?C?? 19D looks like Macaw....
I wonder how many people who do crosswords ever wonder if texts get priority over post becuse of the cost of texts i,e mail on sunday and you magazines like to hear your comments...
Morning All. 1 Across. Metal domestic fuel container 4 and 7 Letters. Looks like coal scuttle which gives me 5 down , Pungent flavour, starting with one of the T's, Making it T?N?. It has already been...