23a They demonstrate in favour of canopies (10) I can't decide between protectors, projectors or protesters.Also I assume 27d Stream heard in north wales(4) is Rhyl, but not sure where the stream part...
really feeling aggro about certain things in my life, or even how i perceive life, has anyone gone out there and protested about theirs, and how did they get on!!!
Appreciate any help with the following: 1 American black cuckoo 5 Greater black-backed gull 9 A Paunch belly 49 Jonathon livingston 65 Prince of thieves 73 Pantomime parent
Does this sick sad little creature never learn i will just leave it up to you to see what the peodo is up to now to get his kicks it must have got bored of stalking people on here that go on msn and...
I would like to move abroad next year. Everyone is being supportive of me and saying i should go for it. Iv already even been offered a job (comission based mind you) Anyways, the only person who is...
2 or 3 days ago on morning radio 2, I listened to the lady whose husband was filmed at his moment of dying. She seemed very genuine and hoped the documentary would raise awareness to his condition. I...
When you gonna come. Relax, don't do it, when you gonna come. - They're the lyrics - But who did the song please? I've got the song in my head, but I just don't know who did it? lol Please help!...
This can be walking down the road and spitting on cars. Walking down the road at night and shouting for no reason. Calling an elderly gentleman an old **** because he said excuse me to get past some...
Why have I got white salt deposits showing in the cement between brickwork.
This has never happened before.It is in various spots .I cannot get rid off it.
its starts....Invitation to an office interview. We need to discuss? a query that has arisen concerning your benefit laim. it is essential that you attend this interview. if you do not it may affect...
Following on from reachesme's post, I noticed on page 3 that the 2 "bisexual" p.3 girls had "split up" because one of them (Keeley, Kylie, Mel, Becki, whatever) had "found a lucky fella". What a pile...
Monday - Motorbike purchased; Tuesday - Motorbike passes MOT; Thursday - stopped by Mr Plod - he can't see a visor on the helmet, it is there; then proceeds to examine Motorbike. Doesn't like look of...
I watched thid fil when I was younger and for the life of me cant remember what it was called can someonetell m plz??Its about a girl whose kinda reali nt popular and she likes this reali popular guy...
supposed ability of certain people to obtain information without the use of normal processes....12 LETTERS 10 LETTERS....E-T--S-N-O-Y/P--C--T-O-.. I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT POSSESS THIS TALENT ANY HELP...