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A guy dials his home number from work. A strange woman answers. The guy says, "Who is this?" "This is the maid," answered the woman. "We don't have a maid!" "I was just hired this morning by the lady...
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is it a coincidence, that 'hamburgers' are an anagram of Shergar's Bum
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i want to end my contract with bt since i beleive they are in breach of contract since they are increasing my fixed monthly payment which i was told would never happen am i within my rights to...
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Will Obama be able to introduce legislation to stop these?
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in your own, humble opinion of course!
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The advertising industry is worth billions , so companies must beleive that adverts works . However , it does not work on me . Does it work on you - do you go out and buy a product , as a result of...
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ShallowQueen Is it a cultural thing?...
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not being computer literate could anyone give me a rough idea of the timesof flash drive. ie 1gb 2gb 4gb up to64gb. how many hours/mins etc roughly.thanks.
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During the summer you'd often see reports on the news that reservoirs levels had never been lower. Are they OK now?
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Bit of a long winded one so I'll start at the beginning:-- At work today we were talking about what we're doing over Christmas and I said I'd be going up town on Christmas eve. The phrase 'up town'...

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