Stop pimping yourself out to every new girlie that crops up on CB. I'm the pimp around here and you're my byatch. Just remember that. Now where's my money? *SLAP*
Can someone enlighten me as to why you are so doubtful of every newcomer on here. I was really looking forward to getting on here and participating in some of the banter I know you have, only to feel...
Who here really believes that JamieR is a foxy 26 year old Essex girl with greasy hair who simply enjoys posting her picture onto the worldwide web because she thinks she's spankin' gorgeous?Say Aye...
I realise I am taking my own fate into my hands by asking this, as I have heard that this is not a good thing to ask, but I am genuinly interested to see what you all look like.
I have just joined but would like to say how great this site is. Have only browsed through this section recently but the other sections give real good advice, this seems more of a place to chill :-p