8D. City religion (offended one) (9) - - - a - - - - - 9D. City group cut in large numbers (9) - - - - - - - r - Not doing very well as you can see. Thanks in advance.
when printing articles from the web these days the print is very small. it did not use to be like this. i do not know what i have to done to make it so small. does anyone know how i can get the larger...
Our False Acacia has not flowered properly this year. Leave have only formed from the ground upwards to about 18 inches. No problems last year or the year before. No proper buds seemed to have formed...
My False Acacia only has leaves on the trunk approx 18 inches above ground - nothing higher than that. It was O.K. last year. Any idea what the problem could be? Should I prune it hard in the Autumn....