Each one contains one or more words relating to our winter ( famous people, well known saying or song, film, book or TV programme). T_ _ S_ _ _ _ _ O_ K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V_ _ _ _ _...
stompe2 Fri 15/05/09 22:15 Legend i know lots about you! I dont need records! real name etc court appearances! Did that help! run away little boy you might not like whats said! welll ive gto a drink...
ever since I got the message about that I had not been using the answerbank lately,[ which other A/Bers had already commented on],and I promptly deleted the message, I have found that this section is...
http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie/terminator- salvation/ not long now just seen the new trailer and the film looks top class ive been watching the terminator tv series and this will dollow on from...
Normally I'm a Tory however I'm going to lend my vote to UKIP in June as I hope they can get in and wreck the gravy express. All the Furore about the UK MP's snouts in trough, kin amatuers, get a load...
Started wearing really lively colours, and when i passed people how grey and black colours were so evident,in fact, tried really not wanting to go beige!!
In England, should we ban political parties and form a peoples republic? (It has been done in the world before). And if so, what measures would we need to take to make sure that no other foreign power...