I wonder how many France will house, away from their own hell camps?... Dear oh dear Mikey, For one who insists that he is a staunch anti racist I think you should consider jumping ship. Looks...
is this a scare story, or is there some truth in it..
need help to get started please, 4d correct his grammar with grey-haired flower [5,8] 9d a bloke coping with America internally for connie on tv [6,7] 12a mathematicians from asia in channel 4 series...
Not so for some people, according to this.
What would you do with £148 million?
In another thread jno claims that he is but I think he may have missed my request for further information so I thought I'd start another thread to get it all out in the open like the anti British/left...
An Algerian-born father, separated from the English wife he married in a Muslim ceremony, has failed in his High Court bid to have his two young sons circumcised in accordance with his strict Muslim...
went to see'thriller,the musical'at the theatre last night,it was brilliant,the dancers fantastic,even the cast dancing thriller was creepy,I think you would all love it. u should try and go see it.
help to get started please 3d Hadrian's n is to revam series about the shetlands [2,6,6] 12a what is worn in diamond setting?[8,3] 18a impressionist setting of cannon on air [5,6] 13d a foreign river...
Let's get out of this silly experiment now....
Just being nosy, but are any posters on here helping out their chosen party in the run up to the elections? I've been labelling envelopes and doing a bit of phone canvassing. Every little helps. Will...
Just put mine in the post addressed to; Attn: Joanna George, Freepost RSBB-XRZT-ZTXE, The Conservatory Party Foundation, 30 Millbank, London. SW1P 4DP ......... what a waste of our £9 million!...
Giving it to client organisations to do the bidding of the EU Bribes is how describe it. More examples of EU mismanagement...
My husband has received an email from Paypal saying that there is unusual activity in his account. They give a date and the location, which is apparently near New York. They say his account will be...
...will probably be the hardest task" the UK has ever faced. So says Trevor Phillips, former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission. According to a recent survey: 52% of those quizzed...
Stuck on last few
Housing fine group of soldiers but not qualified ?n???
Stay hidden while speaking from bed ???o
Standard work is, eg, in right mess ?i?s ?a?
Thanks xx...
Novak Djokovic says male tennis players should earn more money than their female counterparts because more people watch them play. He explains that...