5a uncultivated , yellowish brown - - - l - - 11d pale variegated brown - - - m - a - 6d modify , change - - a - - 8d pulled out , left - - t - - - e -
25ac Left snake on top of Cleopatra's bosom (5) Is it CLASP? 19dn Sort of rock they say advanced a psalm tune (8) I have R?ES?ONE (the S coming from CLASP) 6ac Coquette is fine up front, fun for some...
Form close to 20 20 20 O?O?D (the answer to 20 is NOTHING if that helps. Perhaps some kinky private nurses start to treat one P?R?I?I?? Cold egg sandwiches vilified by beef lover ?U?M?D???N
A type of liquid hydrocarbon, present in petroleum (6) O?T?N? Very common freshwater fish (4) C??? English bat and ball game (8) R?U???R? City in Switzerland (6) ?E???? Celestial body that can be seen...