1a Spoilt a fresh piece of canvas 7.
1d Storm confines MEP abroad during big game 7.
5d Cook with English team prepared chicken for example 5.4.
Many thankyous...
7d. Mature wild gull fed twice extremely lucky to be saved 5.7. 14a Cool dance church banned Try one from Spain. 8 2d Stain English item of furniture that can be sold 10. Thank you had a bad day today...
Help me please. 15a. Extraordinary pattern designed with a ruler. 13. 23a hear this every hour somehow materialising out of the air. 4.6. 15d. Passionate old man's outside he's put out flags here 9....
Please Help 25a Tree terribly easily cut up without one. 10. 21a Mull over firm worried about German computer systems. 8 18d. Staunch supporter of monarch whichever sides leading. 8 Many thank yous...
5d. Offensive theatre worker goes round waving gun. 9. 12a Oddly some men at energy utility lack a buffet 11. 16a He's for diversity in place I visited in mountains at troy 9. Very many thankyous...
Help please. 12a Doing quick dance to confuse tango then going off 11. 16a Produced an example of this grammatical form 4.5. 1a Engineers at old airline kept small amount for girl 7 Many thanks...