Help please. 1d. About 50 engaged in magazines for spin-doctors 6.9. 1a. I'm working with modern pub as form of investment, 7.4. 4d. Tooth holds complicated clue to do with tiny matter. 9. Many...
Help please.
15a. Stuff airplane modified to carry a fancy harp. 13.
19a. It's their duty in truck to provide very latest.
1a. Divine food aroma is waiting over bishop 8.
Many thanks....
Help Please.
4d. Finished regal complex thats too big. 9.
20a. Ring a theatre back to obtain musical work. 5.
5d. Male moves cagily due to sore muscles. 7.
Help please.
11a. Captive prince is working with his mother, 8
16d Live programmes on ship broadcast across Northeast. 5-3
3d. The War Cry hit heart of France. 6.
Many thanks....
2d. Cook cheesed off with poem about recipe. 7.2.6.
5d. Girl has struggled to acquire an earthly paradise 7.2.
12a, Remove attraction from game - it needs changing. 11
Many thanks....
Three please.
13a. Grim reaper transports everyone born , as he does. 10.
9a. Drivers on road see sanctuary for anteater, 8.
24d. Dash. last of face powders upended, 5
Many thanks once again...
Help please.
21a. Herb rare in tense part of Spain..8.
18d.Breathe quickly on large insect in burning bush. 3.5.
25a, Event endlessly rumples pit badly - judge intervenes.6.4.
Many thanks...
14a. Frank goes over revised pier plan. 9.
14d. According to organic data , it decays with microbe. 9.
5d. Wood maybe on river hides hotel where members meet. 9
Many thanks....
11a. Period of mishaps and unmanageable shock 3.4.3.
18d. Governing party maintain reforms without capital 8.
6d. Stable just doesn't possess it. 7
Thank you again...
1a. Heavy tool giving advantage to husband in jail.12.
2d. Endless mix up in Spain, Asia and part of UK. 4.6.
7d. Game pub offers to bring in novice storyteller.3.9.
Many thanks...
1a. He works with last friend in NZ guarding lake. 7.
12a. M R James say or another writer creating his work. 11.
16a. Priest is sober touring royal health club. 9.
Many thanks....
1a. What binds ex pupils? torn oilcloth does. 3.6.3.
10d. An irish first year student keeps nearly new deodorant. 12.
21a. Northern Irish writer backs trendy southern game.8
Many thanks...