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Have you ever got present you didnt like and given it to someoe else as a present?
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Am sat here unable to move as have one of the cats zonked out on me so figured I'd come on and have a nosy. Further to the dinner guests thread (seeing as most of mine turned out to be cute men!), who...
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Who has posted the most answers on AB? I'd like to help with every question, but my knowledge is very limited.
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Just watched Eight Below on telly and I'm a big teary mess. What a wuss! Anyone else seen it or just watched it?...
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Apart from yourself and partner who would you invite to join you for dinner! I would have Stephen Fry, Ken Dodd love hilarity mixed with intellectualism! David and Victoria Beckham {Not ideal} but...
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Have you met offline, and which abers have you spoken to on the phone? Did they appear/sound as you had imagined them?...

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