the pen is mightier than the sword -and much easier to write with. enough said 7-5
surname begins with L
have been looking but cant find ont that fits any help please...
1.singers island taxi going to central valley. 10, 7 surname begins with b or c 2. british actress is pirate station fives uncle 8,7 surname begins with p or q may last two and completely stumped...
1.Keep a lookout for futher developments 5 ,4 ,5
2.the police couldnt see this star 9, 3
3.flicker like a diamond in the sky 6,4
4. star or missile 7
any help please...
7. the colours fine on striped material 4,5
18. by day shun gilt or golden orb 8
30, people in ornate surroundings, lose ed 8
relate to light or house
any help please...