15a. A wish to cook up most of cheek and tongue(7) s?a???i. The only thing I can see is Swahili but why? 19(a) a couple of fish and an unripe apple (7) ??d???g. Is this codling? 26(a) foreign agent...
13a. A performance during function is dismal (9) s???r?i?e, 18a. Moderately rich - like Elsie, Lacie and Tillie? (4-8) w???-s?t???e? 11d. Check a prison sentence- its length to be determined by fourth...
Seemed to get cut off on my last question. 17d. Fancy planes might be flown thus? (2,5) ?y ???r?e. The only thing I can think of is by George but it doesn't make sense...
Think I have some answers but can't figure out why. 24a. Retiring officer engaged in boring work? What a laugh! Is it chortle? 28a. Author's short book about most of Swiss city.t?r?e?e? 17d. Fancy...
27 a. moor at jetty, we're told, to get something on board (9, 3) b?c?s???e, ?e?, 3d. version found in five song books (7), v?r?a?t, (versant or variant?), 24d. drivers touring extremely remote region...
Last one. Although I'm Scottish, my geography of Scotland is very poor. I know more about Canada and America! lld. Where in Scotland helping oneself doesn't include seconds ?e?l?n? Can anyone help?...