Have searched and searched through my AA road atlas index to find place names that fit the following clues but can't come up with anything. Can any one help please 86 Not a pass (4) Can only think of...
27 Green mode of transport (7) 34 Cowardly (8) 51 You get it in the neck here (5) 58 Anthony's crossing (10) 60 Old new year (5) 66 Prod the angel (5,7) 76 Swindler (5) 97 Siriusx (9) 98 Temple Many...
Freebi 2 I have now received my quiz. What pictures are you having problems with. I am finding Faces numbers 1, 2, 8 and 15 hard to find. I know what logo no 4 is if you are still having trouble with...
Would appreciate any help with these questions. All answers are place names in Great Britain 10. A lighter shade of tree (7) 55. Sounds like an Australian can of beer (6) 61. Foil Beer (8) 62. Might...
Can someone confirm that the number of letters quoted for question 62 is correct as I can only find a six letter town/village that will fit the clue Thank you
Am really struggling with this quiz. Would appreciate any help with the following questions. All answers are place names in G.B. 29. Neither bright nor sharp (4) 38. Fran's traders? (6) 41. Send...
86) Rung in Dublin - The only flower I can find that fits the clue is Bells of Dublin but that is 3 words. Does anyone know of a one worded answer or do you think they have left the amount of words...
Would appreciate some help with the following anagrams as I need to send my quiz off this week 91) Grand bat eared cheatss (Painting & artist's surname) 92) Mistakenly give mellow (Film & director's...
Would appreciate any help with these last few as I need to post my quiz off next week 25) Is it a pleasure to voyage? (2 words) 29) a drinking cup for a royal person? 44)Economical management of...
Have just realised this needs to be posted tomorrow. Would be grateful for any help with the following. While Peony had a run they sat near a pond looking at the ducks and moorhens, 'There's the...
Have not seen many posting regarding this quiz. Is everyone who is doing it super brainy or have have you given up? I need to post mine as the closing date is on friday but still have about 40...
I am really struggling with the logos and would appreciate any help in identifying the following 2 - 5 - 7 -10 -12 -13 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 24 - 26 - 28 -30 - 33 - 35