Can anyone help with 2d Trimmed, cut back? (6), 5d Exploration of an area - to gather military information (14) & 24a Alienate, disaffect (8) Thanks in advance J
Can anyone help with 13d Brand with infamy or disgrace (10) S - i - - - t - s - , 19a The director of One flew over the cuckoos nest (6) Surname & 16d Writer of the novel on which one flew over...
Can anyone help with the following please?
18d Welsh town? (8)
20d Line on a map connecting places of equal atmospheric pressure (6)
21d Insurgents (6)
Can anyone help with 23a Soliloquies, long speeches made by individuals? (10) & 4d Late Rhodesian prime minister who was an RAF pilot in the second world war? (3,5)
Can anyone please help with 19a Valuables seized in warfare? (6), 5d Philanthropic, benign? (10) & 6d Seized another's place or authority? (7) Thanks in advance J
Can anyone help with 18d Soldiers serving both on board ships & land (7), & 12a South African word for mountain; in short, what caused the Titanic to sink (4) Thanks in advance J
Can anyone help with 32a Solitary, poor, nasty, ---- and short, Hobbe's description of the life of man Leviathan (7) & 35 & 39d Popular alternative name for Edinburgh (4,6) J
Can anyone help with 24a The Organisms eg tiny drifting plants or animals that inhabit the surface layer of the sea (8) & 20a Wisely (6) I think this may be sagely? Thanks in advance J