My partner had her wisdom tooth taken out at 11am this morning and was given a couple of "bitepads" to stem any residual bleeding. She has used both pads now and there still a fair amount of blood...
So, my partner has a boy (4) from previous relationship. Father been out the picture and barely contributed for 3 years now, I have been with the mother 2 years and living with her and the son, for 1...
My partner suprised me with a trip to Vegas for April 2014! She gave it to me for my birthday this week but wants the extra time to save up so we dont have to do it on a budget. I am a total Vegas...
Do you require anything for a tourist/traveler going for one week (Vegas) pre arrival in the states? And how far in advance do you need to complete?... you beleive that you should be heading somewhere in life and/or on the right path?? I always aimed for 30, to be educated, established in a career, home owner etc..... I am now 29 and...
I dont want to start any sexist debates. I am wondering, given the vast life experiences we can bring to this to this site, what are the undeniable differences between men and women in your opinion?...
Enter Further Question Details Here... You may recall the above post from last week. Well, this guy again was looking at me in the...
Took 400mg this morning for some muscular pain on an empty stomach and have got fairly bad pain/cramp on right side of abdomen? Still haven't eaten as I am on the go but is it likely to do with the...
Ok, firstly and very importantly, I am not homophocic in the slightest. Last night, whilst getting changed after my workout at the gym, I became very conscious that another male was looking at me. It...
Having only got around to updating my personal details with my GP surgery last week (I moved house 11 months ago - oooops), this morning I had a letter from the NHS informing me that in 30 days I will...
Your Star Wars First Name: 1. Take the first 3 letters of your last name. 2. Add to that, the first 2 letters of your first name. Your Star Wars Last Name: 1. Take the first 2 letters of your mother's...
Although I dont put as much stock in an online checker as I would the opinion of a GP, my symptoms seem to be leading me to this conclusion, or possibly a Urine infection? Cloudy urine, ache in my...
Only for fun as it is quite a general way of working this out.... If you divide the no. answers you have given by the no. best answers you have been awarded in your profile what do you get? Me -2704 /...
What made the meal so special? Was it quality of the food? The setting/location? The occassion that made it special? Value for money? an unexpected delight? or was it at somebodies home or even your...
I know... a very obvious thread. But I always double take when the car temp reading is 30 degrees in this country!! My parents have just returned from Majorca and it was 2 degrees warmer in England...