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jelly baby

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cant put it here cos people complain!!!
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Dowton Abbey is back, Sunday, ITV 9pm - and I am couting the hours!
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jelly baby
Hello all, I hope someone may be able to give me some advice about appealind a 'redundancy', and also possible unfair dismissal. We are a small firm ( five employees) manufacturing and repairing...
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jelly baby
Further to previous query, does anyone know of a website where I could find a template letter to send.
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my nan died 6 months ago and left a will. nothing was said about it by my mum's sister but i recently found my nan's property for sale. my mum asked her sister about the will and was told 'that yes,...
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Hi everyone, i have recently taken in a long-haired female cat & i have noticed she has fleas. i bought some 'bob martin spot on' stuff the other day but i am completely unconvinced it works as i...
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Two questions to finish - any help appreciated. 16a general who commanded the spanish fleet (8 letters) L - S - N - E - 42a matsuo ----- (5 letters) 17th century haiku poet - thanks in advance.
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jelly baby
Is a 12 month conditional discharge for wasting police time considered to be a criminal record? Would it have to be declared on an application for a working visa for Australia? Thank you.
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jelly baby
Would a conditional discharge affect an application for a visa? Thanks...
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jelly baby
What would be the likely outcome facing someone charged with this offence? It was done stupidly (on bad advice) rather than criminally or maliciously. She has no previous convictions and is terrified...
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jelly baby
Mark as Best AnswerReport This(Mon 13:09 22/Mar/10) Question Author Right, she had her mobile stolen from a desk in the gym, someone told her not to tell the insurance people it was taken from a...
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jelly baby
A businessman friend of my son, has asked him and others each to lend him amounts of £3000 - £5000 as short term loans. He says he will pay it back within 6 months with at least 15%...
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jelly baby
Can someone please explain what a 'garniche order' is and how does it work? Thank you
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jelly baby
In October, my friends son was dismissed from his job after being suspended for gross misconduct, this involved him restraining a violent patient, (he is a mental health worker) and he was heard to...
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jelly baby
Last two 20d American soprano famed for her performances of schumann songs 13a licence certifying the church approval of a book Thanks in advance
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i cancelled the direct debit for my gym membership that ive had for almost 3 years as i can no longer afford it. ive now had a letter saying i should have given 2months notice and pay a late payment...
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jelly baby
I work in a small factory which gets very cold in the winter months. We moved into this unit last November, and as the heating system was inefficient to the point of uselessness, we made allowances...
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Does anybody know how to deal with a young male siamese cat who urinates everywhere especially clothing and bags. It's driving me and my wife nut's as he doesn't seem to stop. We tried a plug in...
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jelly baby
Why do cats head butt? One of ours always tries to do this to the oldest one. He doesn't hurt her, and she (usually) ignores him. Is it a dominance thing. He also does it to my husband, butting under...
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where is hot to holiday in late november and not to expensive but has things to do there?

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