I've gone wrong somewhere but can't work out why, any help appreciated. 12ac Actress in One Million Years BC, I think is Raquel Welch, I have letters W - O - H, the O coming from 2dn Two-handled Roman...
I went to my brother's new home in Ramsgate and saw a beautiful plant in his garden, but no-one knows the name of it. I've looked on Google through hundreds of garden plants to no avail, I will try to...
I'm stuck on last four any help appreciated. 2dn A nightly appearance, but not by star. 8L M - O - - I - E. 6dn At sea, a pilot? No, not required. 8L - P - I - N - - . 17dn Shrub with fragrant...
Stuck on two any help appreciated. 12ac Wise men in a row, holding trial, initially, in appropriate way. 13L M - G - S - E - I - - -. 7dn Romeo tucked into one kind of chicken or another. 7L B - O - -...
Chokkie asked for the answer to 8dn Heaney rhymes very little (5-5)L T - E - Y - E - N -. The answer was given as teeny meany. I thought it was teeny weeny am I wrong?
Just one left, I've Googled it but nothing comes up. 1ac Tyrant in the rehearsal by the Duke of Buckingham. 10L D - A - C - N - I -. Any help appreciated...
Lots still left but hoping the answers to these few might give me a clue, any help appreciated. 3dn "A message"Mark said. 6L M - - A -. 3dn Awful hamstring injury treated outside Italian hospital. 11L...
Just two left, in the cryptic, any help appreciated. 28ac Crime fatal for victims that's not common. 8L R - G - C - D -. Is it regicide? 5dn Way to claim territory, perhaps, for a lark. 8L - I - D - O...
I'm stuck on two I've Googled but no luck, any help appreciated. 24ac Polish or German Jew. 9L A - - - E - A - I. 18dn Essential oil from cinnamon trees. 7L C - M - - - R....
One left I need confirmation on and could you parse it for me. 17dn With carbon on top, black must be scrubbed from lower-storey window. 8L CA - E - E - T. I think it's casement but not sure why. Any...
It's me again sorry to be a pest, I've had some great help which has enabled to finish it all but two. I only need confirmation of these. 2dn Fabric - narks beginner! Is it LINEN? 10ac Fertiliser a...
I'm really stuck this week if I could get a start with some I might be able to progress, any help appreciated. 1ac Key part of Speed star. 9L 8 blanks ending in Y. 9dn Game Israeli to cast out. 9L - -...