Confirmation on two please, I'm dithering today. 9ac The Spaniard turned about during trial TV show. Is it Telecast? 16ac Catty in a big way? Is it Tigerish?
Just one left, would love some help. 17d Main location, going north-ship can't go faster than this. (3,5) - O - S - E - D. Second word must be speed, but stumped on the first one.
Confirmation please on 8d Section of a cricket bat just under the shoulder. 6L
- P - I - E. Is the answer Spline or splice only Google is giving both? Help appreciated....
I have two left, any help appreciated. 11 ac Poor toolmaker ignoring a king's instruction to musician. 7L T - E - O - O. 19d Thousand-kilogramme gold cover for car. 7L T - N - E - U.
Stuck on a few this week, brain has stopped working, any help appreciated. 1d Creative planning, having room for improvement? 8 and 6 I-T-R--- D-----. 18d Evaluate beginning or end of play by...
1 ac All the cards? One of them is limiting North on board game 4 & 6 - - - - T - - - I - 9 ac Beelzebub's accepting time of celebration for Welsh listeners 10 L - - - - R - - - N - I'm hoping...
5d Variety of fine, imported oak to make wall panelling of the same name. 8L _ A - N -C - T I've Googled it but nothing is coming up, perhaps one of my other clues is wrong? Any help appreciated.
Really stuck on a few in this one. 1d Some children including good carols, for instance. 5L S - N - ??. 6D Organised repeal, like member of lords group in period after Christmas. 6L L - - - E-. 11ac...
I have a problem with 8ac and 2d. I have internet for 2d but that makes 8ac penguin with white stripe on it's head - E - N - O, but I'm sure penguin is gentoo! This puts a T where I have an N for...
Still got lots to solve any help appreciated. 11 ac Girl's payments, of a kind, covering old-time musical entertainment 12 L D S O U S 17ac Turn out to demonstrate 5L P O-- 6d Look like holidaymakers...