16a group of marine mammals (3) p-d 18a seaport and resort in southwest morocco (6) --ad-r 19d gallinaceous bird with thickset body and feathered legs and feet + northern hemisphere (6) ---u-e
34 & 36a largest freshwater lake in Canada (five and four)...my books tell me Superior but that does not fit!! Can anyone tell me the alternate name ? Ta
q30. Something to do with snack?
q 53. I cannot make sense of the clue.
q49. I think this is an anagram, but from where to where?
Grateful for any help.
I am new to this and struggling to get a few remaining answers. Can anyone help with numbers 22, 59, 63 and 85? 22. Direct with ease. It's said he is a whistle-blower (7). 59. Conventual dam is...
Last one then I can away on holiday and relax - please may I have some clues to 6. Who produced abstract art in Monmouthshire (6) Answer must have something to do with someone in charge. Thanks