can someone help! my mum has a yucca plant whose head [the main leafy part on top of the trunk] recently died and fell off. however, now little baby yucca shoots have started growing at the top, to...
im big on unique names for kids, but not those that are completely "wack" boys: riley, dylan, saige girls: flute haha..opinions & suggestions for more interesting girls names
very interested in a career down this path, however as only 15 im wondering what paths i should follow in order to get there. any journalists out there with advice / experiences to share, gladly...
im very interested in such a career, and being 15 am wondering what paths to take, whilst still remaining quite non-specific in my options, to get into such a line of appreciated
can anyone either a] give me a link to a picture of the main female model who appears in the Kooks video of Naieve or b] her name?! pretty difficult i know.. any help much appreciated
anybody know when the third film will be in the cinemas in the UK? just saw the 2nd film, with the biggest cliffhanger & now desperate to see the third & final.. x