Being greedy today, but totally stuck. 5a, 5 letters, type of internet message board **r*m. 5d, 7 letters, short lived style of highly colourful expressionistic painting that flourished in Paris...
Help Please with with following:-
112d In Spain and Spanish-speaking areas, a promenade between rows of poplars A - A - - - -?
107d Any of the four gospels E - A - - - -?
43A - Chemical warfare agent... (11) - _T_R_U_A_ _ _ 46A - Marked by blithe unconcern... (10) - _O_C_A_A_T 23D - A person related on the father's side (6) - A_N__E - is this AUNTIE? 39D - Dated name...
Every Saturday people ask for help with the Daily Telegraph's general knowledge crossword. I bought the Telegraph today and I can't find the crossword! There's a cryptic one and a small,...