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(13a) Novice left in a state in Austria when learner absconds. (4) _ Y _ _ . (18a) Bigamy overturned by departing old monarchs. (4) _ A _ _ . (20a) Could such a tiny thing lead to an exclusively Irish...
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(5d) A very long way to travel to follow bee noise in the toy department. (9) _ I _ H _ Y _ _ _ . (14a) Following common ending to text, it comes before a book title. (6) L _ L_ T _ . (29a) State of...
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(14d) ..... get time to contemplate about a nice surprise. (7) R E _ R _ _ T. (21d) Desmond is unable to sing in this register. (7) D E _ C _ N _ . (25a) 'A Pole on the Range' - what a story. (4) _ _...
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(16a) Laugh loudly. (4) _ O _ T . (25d) Traditional cultural gathering. (4) _ _ _ R. (27a) Too big, excessive. (9) O _ _ _ L _ R _ E....
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(3a) Showing contrition for causing gigolo pains, potentially. (11) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ G. (4d) There may be many cases of this. (7) _ _ G _ _ _ _ . (5d) At last, Victor is more central. (5) _ _ N _...
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(22d) Put Sarah on the social gathering. (5) S _ L _ N.
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(7d) Bigger and Better. (7) _ _ Y _ T _ _ .
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(1d) This health professional puts the record of usage of the wireless first. (11) R _ _ _ _ _ _ G _ _ _ . (21a) One who attempts - er - to leave a dog. (5) _ _ I _ _ . (24a) Some military headgear...
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(2d) Healthier, more robust. (5) H _ L _ R.
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(13a) Think about some chicks. (5) _ _ O _ C. (13d) Erupted, but with rights included. (5) _ _ R _ T....
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9d) Violent Storms(8) ?e??????s 7d) Is extremely angry(5,2,3,5) F???? ?? the ??u?? 16d) Filth(8) ??n?n?s? 15a) Foiled(10) ?????r???d 13a) Functions(5,2) ??a?? ?p Thanks All...
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(18d) Now, so soon; so early. (7) _ _ _ E _ D _
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(7d) Green with a coat. (5) P _ R _ A.
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(13d) Strong deeds have been verified. (5) F _ _ _ S. (15a) Substitude what the salesman ties his shoes with. (7) R _ P _ _ _ _ . (19d) Is this song a commercial for a dance. (6) _ A _ _ _ _ . (24a)...
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In Ireland this meand stick, in America it means sick.
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(13a) Firmed up - by writing to little Edward? (5) T _ N _ _ . (14d) Such actions may entitle one to property. (5) _ _ _ _ S. (16a) The novice has gone from the nice serf. (7) _ _ _ _ A _ T. (25a)...
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(1d) Such a spat potentially protects men. (11) C _ N_ R _ _ E _ _ s. (19d) Cutting the male section of the building. (6) _ E _ I _ G. (22d) Equip once more, making the object. (5) R _ F _ T....
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(4d) Old instrument's fabricator, we hear! (4) L _ R _ .
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(1a) Hide in the loud old city. (3) F _ _ . (2d) The class in the plant has fundamentally improved. (8) _ _ F _ _ _ _ D. (10a) Earn me the right to object. (5) M _ _ _ T....
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Stuck on quite a few today: 1d Gad about, ramble (9) ??????A?? 3d Numbing, soporific (8) ??????I? 5d Fundamental right (4,6) F???,S?E??? 27a Revival, activation (9) A?A?????? 17d Fond remembrance of...

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