(26a) How a mare might get up to parent a foal. (4) _ E _ R. (35d) A sore turns up on Beverly's spots. (8)_ B _ E _ _ _ S. (38d) Cops out when geese are injected with radon. (7) R _ N _ _ _ S. (46a)...
(18d) Show your teeth at senior breaking Aluminium. (5) _ _ _ _ L. (39a) Awful character in a story the author ridicules. (6) H _ _ R _ _ . (40d) Looks the spit of a questionable team player. (6) _ _...
(6a) Personal assistant trying to get out on the town these nights. ( 8) _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ . (8d) EVEN SOFT (how things take a change) (4,2,6) _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ .
(18a) A monarch with rights is mistaken. (4) E _ R _ . (26a) Make a gift as the cow and sow both do. (5) E _ D _ W. (34a) With such material, one took an action against The Point. (5) S _ E _ E.
(2d) Diggers in black suit? (6) _ _ _ D _ S. (8a) Sudden resolution. (4, 8) _ N _ _ N _ _ _ S _ _ _ . (5d) Brainy rock group this - Oh did area fade out? (9) _ A _ I _ H _ A _ , (16d) Angry...
(14a) The part of a deceased man's estate that is allotted to his widow for the rest of her life. (5) _ _ _ _ R. (18d) Type of small hunting dog. (7) _ _ _ S _ T _ .
(17d) End of the beginning? So, begin again. (5, 4) (18a) Come to the acme of couture! No better in - thing. (6, 2, 8) _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _.
(6d) Manually move an object on your PC (5,3,4.) _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R _ _ . (18a) Notions, Thoughts, Concepts, Theories. (3,5,2,5.) _ L _ _ _ R _ S _ F _ _ _ F _ , (20a) Instrument for a false friend?...
Quietened by the fact that the three pounds due are in change. (6) L _ L _ E _ . Face up to the fact that the hens have done their task. (4) L _ I _ . If I give out to you, it's about time. (4) I _ I...
Seasonally fat bird taking part in a contest of sorts. (5,5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ . Crazy and, at this time of year, noisy, too. (8) _ _ _ C _ E _ S. Hear the bell ring for him in church. (5) _ _ I _ _...
Nervous reaction in a seasonal sportsman when conditions become more difficult. (8) Evidence of bad cold when it's Zero between priest and saint. (5) _ _O _ _ . Make a note to me and the little...
(1d) Affecting one portion; biased; prejudiced. (7) P _ R _ I _ C . (22d) Coated with a thick layer of metal. (6) _ L _ T _ _ . (30a) Regards with contempt or disdain. (8) _ _ R _ _ S _ S