2. used to dust a clown. 5.6 3.artists' academy with a bowl perhaps. 6 4. this dessert is no meal. 8 5. add liquid to lemon and you get a different fruit? 10
Stuck again. Help please 1a Jaded pair writing off 11 letters d?????o???r 5d A tenth revolution is cool 4 letters ???? 8d Old bet is a wild bluff 9 letters ???e?o?s? 10a Country girl guts an animal 7... ...
Last two hopefully! The clues are wordplay only. (definitions are elsewhere) 25a Creature taken for a ride outside, only needing to have one central bit C?N?O?T?D (concocted, contorted, consorted??,... ...
Cities town villages of United Kingdom stuck on two 1 tell the Aussie athlete to start the race (7) 23 some roast lamb left in oven for later (5) thank you
Paying attention? Maybe Nigel isnt(9) wonderful dancing OU girls grab Oscar (8) As seen on TV'perhaps, but not a 19th century Scottish author (9) Novice puts out green bin(8)