8 Down. Ruder "Legolas must set out without Gollum's 'precious'" (9). The answer is TREASURED, but can anybody help me to explain how the answer is arrived at.
32) Stun or dumbfound 7letters 35) What Venus may be called 7,4 letters 39) With a sharp keen wit 6 letter4s 41) Don't suck this one 4,4 letters 46) Polish fingers with these 7,7 letters 48) Show it... ...
Stuck on these: Lugs around extra resources? (4) Sound of shower – or of body! (4) - i think this is ayes? but not sure what letters to add 22 Stop twice a second time (5)
Miser has kindly asked me to start Chain 3 so here goes ... The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the... ...
so I have plausible answers for many of the cryptics (15,17,18,24,27 across and all the downs but 1,7 and 21) but am at a loss about how to enter them, if a lot of them should be backwards could... ...
spot the peoples names hidden in british place names 2. A long silvery kind of fellow... he's up by the rocky brig (4). ----Stonebridge. 13. a windy or rocky field (in east hampshire) depending... ...
Answers to the little clues when read together give the full name of a famous person. Q14. not on target 6 Mix with a spoon 4 Drop of thick liquid 4 insect 3 gives whose name? Q24. ... ...
All answers contain names with the initials they are known as in brackets. 11. It is said that the only green thing he eats is mint chocolate chip ice-cream. 6.8.(1.1.)4. 18. Scandalised the press... ...
Each number reperesents a letter- given the clues solve the nine letter word (No letter is used twice) 349175- Gives a mythical creture 31952- Gives a mythical creature 896- Gives a mythical... ...