Tina's dad said to Gail (referring to devil-child David): "He's done some stupid things in the past, but the lad's a credit to you". (Or something very similar). Blimey, if David's a credit to his...
The Bare Necessities If you look for the Buenchico necessities The simple Buenchico necessities you can forget about your worries and your strife I mean the Buenchico necessities he'll find you Old...
1. What have you got to look forward to? 2. Whats your earliest memory? 3. Do you like Kareoke? 4. Stilton or Brie? 5. What's the worst way you've ever split up with an ex? 6. Do you think time travel...
Im 26 and just been diagnosed with HIV. I may live ten years or the rest of my natural life. Would it be selfish of me to buy a parrot? I will only be working part time. Before everyone starts this is...
'"any user posting sexually explicit or offensive posts will have their account terminated.'" I presume "they that do" have learnt a stern lesson from the error of their ways then. Or is the above...
On a recent post (as much use as ] Legend referred to Whiffey on Mastemind, everyone has their own special category Whiffey may have is what is your special subject!
Haysi, It seem I was 100% wrong in removing you from the CBOTW group Spaced is in the process of revealing his convo with Legend, it appears that Legend also created two new FB accounts and passed in...
well the gerry's have been RUNNING SCARED IT'S OVER for gerry it's the END OFF THE LINE the gerries are CRYING I wish i was IN THE CROWD to see it i think the problem was their defence COMMUNICATION...
gonna have a really lazy day on here i would be gratefull if any ABer's could give my canary a boost i'm in position 2800ish and am curious as to how high i can climb! anyone got a orange balloon...
I get really annoyed to see woman wearing glasses perched on top of their heads as a fashion accessory ! Why do they do it ? There is a woman on Deal or no Deal with quite big hair all lacquered and...
back from looking after my mums cat big ginge for the week, and ive had a lovely week watching the happy birds that inhabit my mums garden. thought i was a wood pigeon less on thursday as i came back...
I have the most adorable boy kitten that is in need for a suitable name. He's a blonde or a very faint orange making him almost white. I have one name I might use: Aster. Would it work?
by the way, chiclids are african fish! but anyways, i bought a new fish tank recently, followed the instructions, cleaned the tank, cleaned the stones, put the water in and waited for the tempreture...