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Missed it last night, so just saw the repeat. Rachael went home. Still fancy Alex to win it. Can't wait for next week.
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I am pleased to tell you all that, after a lot of canvassing on my part, I have been appointed as head of the AB Monitoring Panel. With immediate effect, I will have the ultimate say with regard to...
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what a good word
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... how should I decide who to support? Okay, I know ... ... who have the biggest willies? The Spanish or the Germans ???
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... on this site has been destroyed by the small minded, immature whingers. You are clearly unable to tackle hard issues head on. If you have children, I truly hope that they never have to face a...
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Hey guys, keep this quiet Sshhhhhh If you thought we talk a lot of bolloks on CB, there's a post in the Animals and Nature section at the moment called "chiclid problems" They're all posting huge,...
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Does anyone still have "bring a bottle" parties? (except students). It seems such a 70's concept. And also a bit tight @rsed. And a guaranteed way to end up with a wine rack full of sh1t.
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do not read this thread unless you personally wish to read explicit and naughty posts if you do, then read on, but do not moan about the content if you are a moaner, please leave this thread...
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I've just been out in the Land Cruiser that I've borrowed for a couple of days, and I was listening to Parliament on the radio. The Prime Minister was asked a question about amusement arcades on...
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my Vagina Monologues DVD isn't in its box. And I was going to watch it tonight. What ???????????
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I've been up since 4.00 so it's nearly lunch time for me :-)) I'm off for a run Byeeeeeeeeeeee ...........
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... for the official "Good Morning" post. x
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Some friends are going away for a couple of days, so I've just run them up to Gatwick (in their car, obviously, coz mine's a bit little). And ... I've got a Land Cruiser to play with for a couple of...
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I've got all 4 posts !!!
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What does the "O" stand for? "O my god, it's early". I love that movie (Good Morning Vietnam) And actually, it's twenty past, so a bit of a cheat really. I couldn't resist having a quick peek to see...
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Britain's Next Top Model has just started on Living TV. Went out for an after-work drink with a friend, but madi it home in time for BNTM, Yaay. So what have I missed here on CB? J
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Which type of physique do you prefer on a man? Big shoulders - tight bum Fat @rse - man boobs Thanks x

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