From personal experience and after reading the thread about the guy and the dog (thanx for that one!) I am now no longer suprised that i am finding it difficult to find a nice "normal" bloke in...
I have the Wallace & Gromit theme tune in my know... "la la la laaaa la la la laaaaa, do do do dooo do do de doooooo" -.can someone sing me something else to push Wallace and Gromit...
Why is that when your young your a b***ch, slag, *****. But as soon as you have children, your ex friends pick on a tiny detail and call you a 'Bad Mother'? Since I'v had my kids, my friends think im...
oh when your smiling oh when your smiling the sun comes shining through but when your crying you bring on the rain so stop your sighing be happy again oh when your smiling oh when your smiling the...
well it started when i went to meet my 16 year old girlfriends dad but then my girl friend changed colour and then her dad changed names what am i doing wrong ?
It's his electricity if he wants to waste it, if you choose to answer his posts it's up to you, if he chooses to answer yours ditto. A plague on all his houses. Good night folks Tomorrow as they say,...