....... is the root of all evil. This quotation from the Bible (Timothy) sums up the culture of most if not all parts of the world. We don't seem to know a way of life that doesn't depend on lending...
I pop into the local Total garage most days to pick up a paper, bottle of milk, whatever. Every single day the same girl behind the counter asks me if I want to buy this or that for 2 or three...
Anyone had one of those exotic spice mills from M&S that grind a selection of spices like a pepper mill? It may be me that's thick but I can't seem to get the lid off! It fits over the grinder end...
Am stuck on last few, would appreciate your help. please. 16a Aussie suitcase, left & wine (4) ?o?t. 26a objectionable sort (5) t?e??. 29a body of troops at the heart of things, we hear (5) c?r?s. 21d...