Bird, needing drink, had to go inside (8) S?E???C? if its shelduck why? Community travel entangled after reversing set of instructions (9) presumably decalogue EU go laced backwards? Why is 42 down...
Get involved in a day to celebrate trainee nurses (9) I?t?r?e?e Stumped on this....intervene/intercede? And General Manager at first opening in french is puzzling people e??i?m?t?i?s (11) presumably...
enlarge muscle, fail to keep it (6)
Presumably Dilate but why fail to keep it
One Greeting, little childless person (6)
Not sure on this one...
Oarsman to do exercise inside part of church (4,6) ??o? TOWER Regulated e.g. thus-or most inaccurate ??u?iest (8) Patches of red and green, last three to turn up n?e?? (5) They make better...