'Jesus and his dad are great' Then I would have to consider the religious motive, sandy. As it is, they don't. Can you explain why one set of lunatics shout religious nonsense and the other lunatics...
I found the following written in pencil by my mother over 60 years ago on a sheet from a cash book. There were no crossings out so I'm certain that she didn't compose it herself. Do you recognise it?...
Is it possible to make a compound camera lens, perhaps using materials like Iceland Spar, which could simultaneously focus comparatively well on two objects, one near, one far, while leaving the...
Yesterday as a mark of respect to Prince Philip there was a 41 gun salute in/on various venues. Can anyone explain to me why that number? What is the significance? Thank you.
I'm trying to explain to a non English speaker the term "only children" the plural of "only child", would I be correct in saying it's a collective noun?...
what is the word to mean 'facial expression'? I don't mean emotions, like sad, happy etc i mean literal facial expressions, ones that have no other meaning than an action with your face - such as...
Could anyone please tell me the difference on an Ordenance Survey Map between a dotted line which states, 'Public Footpath', and a faint dashed line which states 'Path'. Do both have the legal right...
I'm just reading 'Homo Deus' by Yuval Noah Harari (having read his earlier book, 'Sapiens'). In chapter 1 he states that nowhere in the Old Testament is there any reference to life after death; god...
If articles require annual election of member to a Committee and existing Comm members express their willingness for re-election, is a "silent approval" vote acceptable - meaning voters ONLY vote for...
Bizarre question driven by curiosity. Two people house share but are not related or partners. One becomes ill, dies at home and doesn't need a post mortem. GP attends and signs relevant documents...
Nearly lost the will to go on with watching a contestant Kate, the most boring one ever, so long to deliberate and £64,000 pounds not enough to pay off her mortgage just fun money.....
Had an email from McAfee saying "warning your protection is at risk" Renew Now. Then there is a couple of boxes to click on saying download latest version and run McAfee anti virus. Anyone on here...
Ok the flat earthers, the moon hoaxers etc all pretty standard moronic bowlocks we are used to but apparently there are worse than that, my personal favourite is the Moon is a projection brigade!...
pic a number between ?? do this with it do something else with it answer is 9 or 18 or27 or36 or45 or 64 multiples of 9 its for a quiz for Mcmillan nurses any clues...
I have several life policies that I want to go to my grandchildren, can they be used to settle outstanding overdue amounts, before carrying out my wishes, I do not have any cash in my estate?