We got no hot water!! I have an emmertion heater (or whatever it is) it is on a timer to come on in the night. But the other day we woke up and the water was cooler than tepid. I've tried moving it...
Anyone believe his explanation (http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/DisplayAnswers.go?question_id=32377&category_id=3&index=6), his housemate didn't log out? You're 'avin a larf mate!
Is there any accepted method to 'clean' Velcro? If the plasticcy side is all covered with fluff and the like and the two sides do not stick as well as before, can I easily clean the plastic?
It was reported earlier in the year that a poor hedgehog had to be put down after it got it's penis stuck in a fence. The full report is here; http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_556687.html Is this...
I apologise to all Ab users who have not been amused by my hedgehog questions - which actually started with a genuine question - and I got carried away. However I am not responsible for the postings...