I thought that a few years ago the UK domestic voltage went down to 230v but recentley I was checking a cable with a multimeter and it was 245, I checked at a few other houses in different areas and...
Does anyone know how Sky's multichannels works as in how the tv companies work with Sky. Do they pay Sky for the privalige and then Sky suppy them with advertising? ANd do they get a cut of viewers...
I read plenty of books and usually buy second hand, can anyone tell me why often in second hand books a corner of one of the first couple of pages has been cut off?
My son has a radio controlled car and has lost the transformer to charge it, can someone tell if the transformer should match the voltage of the batteries inside (ie there are 8xAA batteries -...
Can anyone tell me who the advert is for that advertises for inventors, it's really cheap, and says something like have you got an idea? ring this number 0800 whatever, I have always wondered who it...
Why is it that we spend time wiping our bottoms after defication, so that we don't leave skids in our pants, but dogs just go and poo outside and don't bother wiping, then laze around their owners...
I am guessing that this is going to be in the news more and more over the next few years starting soon, I believe it will be go into our vocabularly like global warming or greenhouse effect, and as...
DOes anyone know of some free software that will let me copy mp3's to cd but will allow crossfading between tracks, like media player does but as far as I know it won't allow you to burn (in mp3...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news .html?in_article_id=345434&in_page_id=1770 Whilst I deplore violent crime, I must admit to find this rather amusing, although obvously I...
Unlikely but does anyone know the dance track that on the Simon Mayo show (when he was on Radio 1) used when Mark Kermode reviewed a film in under a minute - a daily feature?