As some of you may already know our Grandaughter of 13 years nearly 14 lives with us, today I found a vape in her bedroom drawer, and she was told to come home at a certain time today, rolls in 2... ...
I've needed new knees for years, but I subluxed one getting Into the car, and haven't been able to straighten my leg for two months. It's very painful. I can't get a new Knee until I live... ...
Scotland are a great side this year, really should have beaten us. We'll beat Wales and if Scotland beat France they'll help us win the title. Is it more important to them that they win their game... ... There is the "Hell hath no fury..." argument of course. ...
Are you happy? Growing up I don't think the question ever came up. Sure I was sometimes worried/stressed/bored but I was probably too busy to ask myself "Am I happy". I'm still not sure where I am... ...
🐎 🐎 They're off .... to wish Ken a great birthday with family and friends ... lots of goodies and refreshments as well as loads of luck on the Gee-Gees to make a memorable day. Happy Birthday,... ...
Right, you all probably know that MrJ2 was emergency ambulanced into hospital on 16/12 last year with v. serious pneumonia (he is 91). They then messed-up a catheter so he'd to be emergency... ...
Hello again! With the first four answers correct in the main quiz, I was hoping to repeat my maximum score of 7 out of 7 from last week. Alas, that was as far as it went though 🙄 So that's FOUR... ...
For me it's this modern tendency to call everyone "guys", men women and children etc doesn't matter they are all "guys" aaarrrrrggggghhhhh. Does my loaf in, the sooner this fad goes out of fashion... ...
I haven't told Julie I work in selco as last year I barley seen her but this year I've seen her alot and keep not knowing weather to tell her as Im not planning on staying in selco
I tried to sign up for Government Gateway recently and failed as they were asking for two types of evidence of proof of ID. I don’t have a passport and the only other ‘thing’ that I have is a... ...
Been watching a lot of westerns lately . Lot of whisky drinking ( yes I know it's coloured water or similar ) However not being a drinker - what does whisky actually taste like ?
Trump is scrambling to get his agenda implemented Asap,because he fears he may not live until the end of his second term in office.Suppose thats a good enough excuse to wreck the world before he goes.
I've just received a letter informing me that my benefit will be increased by April. Since when has old age pension been classified as a benefit? I have paid out for National Insurance... ...