Please can anybody help. 12down stirrings instances of bringing to life.I had the word alcheringa.But that makes the word I had for 20across sustainment wrong for there is a C where an A should be?...
Help needed please. 2d David winner of a Living Icon award presented by the BBC TV programme The Culture Show in 2006. I have got -t-e-b-r-u-h. Many thanks in advance.
Help needed on my last one.Please can anybody give me the answer to 5d. Ancient Biblical kingdom etc. I have the letters S-E-A. Many thanks in advance.
My last one.Please help I have been trying to find this one for ages. 21a Artist whose works include Faa lheihe and Manao Tupapau. Many thanks in advance.
14 and 20a Eighties sitcom starring Ralph Bates and Peter Blake. -e-r -o-n. I thought Dear John but these actors do not seem to be in it. Please can anybody help?
Please if anybody watched this programme, could you please let me know the final scores or at least who won.I taped it but the tape ran out before the end. Many thanks in advance.