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Justice has been done....
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Ann I pity her poor children reading this - she should keep her thoughts to herself I think....
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Are you happy with your lot? Is your cup half full or half empty? Are you bitter, jealous or content?
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Fire deaths trial 1350: BREAKING: Sentencing of Mick and Mairead Philpott has been adjourned until 10:30 tomorrow, Mrs Justice Thirlwall tells Nottingham Crown Court. I hope the judge doesn't go soft...
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Oh how I value your wise counsel! Tell me something, anything...
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Is it a Northern thing or does anyone else call it going to the baths?
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Just popped up the garage to get a sarnie and as I was walking out a woman and her child were going in. Both clad in full PJ's, including dressing gowns! I mean, what could you possibly need from a...
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Aunty Beeb report on the survey that separates out into seven groups, reported on Breakfast TV this morning. There's a calculator on the following lead: So...
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I've recently discovered the vegetable peeler and I can't believe how blimmin great they are! Saves so much time, don't get cramp in my hand from using a knife, and much less waste. I'm also eating...
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Been to the WI - got a coffee and walnut cake, a lemon drizzle cake, a chocolate cake, I've made a Victoria sandwich, there some tea cakes to toast and butter, or some cup cakes with pink, lemon,...
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Are you comfortable in your own nudity? By this I mean, are you comfortable walking around in the privacy of your home naked (or elsewhere like a nudist beach or club)?...
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'Tis the dawn of a new week, with many now embarking upon diets after eating countless Easter Eggs. I had a chocolateless Easter myself. Hope you all have a jolly spiffing day ! X...
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when i was learning to drive, i bought books etc to help me, but in one it said there are a few rab's in uk in which you go to the right on them... i cant remember the book now. does anyone know of...
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Virgin have announced a new jumbo jet,with glass flooring so you can see where youre going. Somepeople hey
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What are your views on them?
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Parents and I (and the stinkwart) are having boneless rib of beef, purple sprouting, carrots, French Beans, peas, cauliflower cheese, roasties, yorkshires, horseradish and gravy. What's on your menu...
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How many hours a week do you reckon you spend cleaning and polishing your house? Be honest now! lol...
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Just been reading through this and it is a bit of a revelation!...

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