Above is the clue and there are five letters. At the moment I have ARADA as everything else is completed but this doesn't seem right. Can anyone help please.
Q. Very thin sheet iron (6 letters). I have TA-R-R but this may be incorrect as I'm having problems with a few questions in the same area. Any help appreciated.
Stuck on last two. 52a Member of traditional social group. I have T-I-E-B-N. 51d Individual thing -E-T (Should be easy but just can't think of anything. Many thanks.
Can anyone help please: Make the best of one's chances (4,4,5,4). I have, play ones cards -e-e but can't think what the last word could be. May have the phrase wrong.
Help it's Monday and I still can't work out 38d Overview (of subject) for which I have -O-S-A---S and 54a Make numb for which I have --R-E-Y. Am either being very thck or have gone wrong somewhere -...